Sunday, March 09, 2008

Town and country


Unknown said...

I know the little house, or Tuva's Stuga; but where is the town house please? There appears to be an interesting little spire behind it. Much love, Pa.

Nea said...

It's down by the lake next to the police station, where I was heading. I didn't mean to put this photo on the blog, but I was having trouble with my connection and I was too fed up to re-do it.

Are you're comments working? Hang on, I'll come over and have a look.

Nea said...

No, there not! You've got to approve any comments we make.

On your dashboard click on Manage: Posts.

Then click on Moderate Comments.

Click on Comment Settings.

Scroll down to
Enable comment moderation? and click on NO

Scroll down to the bottom and click on Save settings.

Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Ruth. All done (I think). Please try again and let me know. Oh, and many thanks for your advice. Love, Pa.

Pat said...

That top one looks so cute - in the nicest possible way.
If I ever have a daughter I want one like you:)

Nea said...

Ah, thanks Pat. When my Ma and Pa no longer need me, you can adopt me;)