Sunday, October 21, 2007

A bear with a sore head?

The first lot of anti-biotics didn't work,
so he's now on his second lot.
I daren't put a picture of him up,
I don't want to scare anyone,
and quite honestly the bear
looks in better shape.
Doesn't leave me much time for blogging,
but I'll post when I can.


Jake Allsop said...

I read recently that doctors prescribe antibiotics in cases where it is not appropriate - except that it reassures the patient - with the result that antibiotics are becoming less effective. So, NEA, I will stick to my theory that good red wine is the cure for most things. Come to think of it, bad red wine can kill off a few microbes too.
Old Scrote

Unknown said...

Hi Nea, we arrived back from Cornwall to find a picture of a dead bear on your blog and a commentary that doesn't clarify anything much. Have you just shot a bear and a vet is trying to revive it ??? (Mama's suggestion) You go on to say that the bear 'looks in better shape'. Better shape than what ??? Better than before you shot it, I suppose. Come on, more details please. Your elderly parents are more bothered about your well being than the bear's. Mama has just made the observation that you must have survived your encounter with the bear because you have got home and entered the picture on your blog. Hmmmmm, yes, I suppose. Lighten our darkness soon, Oh daughter, we beseech thee. Much love, your deeply puzzled parents.

Nea said...

Red wine and whisky, never together of course, can cure a host of ills, and I prefer them myself, but in this case I think the right sort of anti-biotics will probably be the only thing that will pull him through . The first dose was an experiment on the doctor's part, the second dose was what the MOTH had asked for in the first place, and it does seem to be working, just not very fast.

Ma + Pa, when you kindly comment on a post, then I always try to reply to your comments. If you read my rep-lies(?) then you will discover the t-ruth (?)about the bear and the MOTH which have very little in common appart from the fact that one looks dead and is and the other looks dead, but isn't.

Pat said...

Nea I can just hear one of my sons in your last para.

Pat said...

Cripes! Gotta go!

Pat said...

I assumed hubby isn't well. In which case I hope he gets well soon.

Nea said...

Thank you Pat.
He is getting better slowly.