Her first fish ever and it's a
75cm long pike.
It fed us all for three days.
Another 50cm and she'll beat my record.
For those of you who can view youtube here is the conversation that followed the catch...
and they're both right.
It is brain-dead, but its heart was still beating long after it was gutted and decapitated. I've got the film to prove it, but it's a bit too gruesome, even for me.
What a soooper piece of film, and a good example of how modern technology is a great moral force. There was once a fisherman's prayer that went :- "God grant to me to catch a fish so big that even I,
when telling of it afterwards need not to tell a lie."
Now of course when we can immediatelely record the event, and display the still living fish, the need for exaggeration or even prevarication is quite unnecessary.
Regretably Mike successful prevarication is no longer possible, Techno-spies are everywhere - it is no longer merely symptomatic of paranoia.
What a catch, no worries about going short of a bite to eat there then! Please accept my envious congratulations young NE angler sproglet.
I can't believe the size of that fish! When I remember the miserable little perch I caught at that age. Jolly well done!
We do get them quite big up here. There's plenty of perch for them to feed on. The biggest surprise was her reaction, considering the screams that can be heard for miles around when she sees an ant (not aunt) any where near, she was very cool and collected about this crocodile of the north.
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