Saturday, July 09, 2011

Strawberry's choice

Miss T chose the Tower and for our second day in London Strawberry chose the British Museum

and the mummies, which I didn't take phorographs of, but Strawberry did, so they might appear on her blog one day. My favourite was Cleopatra's daddy's mummy.

After the museum we walked through London. It was the day before the royal wedding, so there was a party atmosphere on the streets, silly hats and flags everywhere.


Lori Skoog said...

Love those hats! I'll tell Daniela you liked her story...she is such a creative kid! It would be great if these four girls could meet each other someday!

Pat said...

Could you pack the hats?

Unknown said...

Knowing my daughter's packing skills, Pat, I imagine she packed the hats full of goodies, then the girls wore them!

Nea said...

It would, Lori. Syrawberry wants to know if you'll adopt her, as you have both art classes and horses?

The hats weren't a problem, Pat, it was the Marmite we tried to smuggle in that was. Apparently Marmite counts as a liquid!

Half right Mike and Ann, they did wear them, but I didn't think of packing them with stuff. I might try that next time:)

Strawberry said...

mumies,how fun!!!

Nea said...

why thank you my dear daughter :)

Unknown said...

Ruth Dear. Do be careful. It looks to me as if my youngest grandchild might be developing a sense of humour. Beware!!!!!

Nea said...

Noted M&A, will take appropriate precautions.