Thursday, February 19, 2009


In July we can go swimming in the lake at midnight... February we're lucky enough if we can find the car!


Crowbard said...

I know exactly how you feel, I can never find anything in February, there just isn't enough time to search for anything in a 28 day month!

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT wait!

Nea said...

GUC, I bet GAJ can find anything for you, if you ask her nicely :)

When do you come over Miss D?

The Preacherman said...

You could go swimming in the snow and make snow angels....

This is ruining me street cred yer know...;-)

Crowbard said...

Your right NEA, GAJ has tremendous organizational skills. If only I wasn't so busy looking for things I've forgotten I might find a spare moment to ask her where they are!

Unknown said...

Those photoes confirm me in my habit of visiting Sweden in Summer.They're both lovely pictures, though. Love, Pa.

Pat said...

Wouldn't life be dull without seasons. There are places that don't have them I think.

Crowbard said...

You're right Pi, I used to go into a little restaurant on the equator and they never had any condiments at all!
When asked why, the proprietor said business was slow, there was money in the food but not even small change to be had in the seasoning.
And the weather was always the same as well!

Lori Skoog said...

Nea...How goes it over there? I have been getting comments from your Mom and Dad, and love their site also. Hope all is well....we are aching for spring!

Pat said...

Crowbard: you are a wag!
Hey my word thingy is PROWINE. How did they know?

Nea said...

GUC, you still tickle me, forty years on. Thank you :)

Hi Lori, I'm trying to keep up, but we really are getting snowed under this winter. Miss T and I spent all day shovelling on Saturday just to clear the rooves and then it snowed again on Sunday. your street cred's still good here, with temperatures dropping to minus 25 C, only the most hardy throw themselves into 4 ft of snow to make snow angels.

Pat, he is a giggle. I wouldn't want to be without a proper winter, but I miss Spring in England. It's so much softer there.