Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!

In between unpacking boxes we try and get out for some sunshine in the middle of each day. I f we're lucky then the sun pops up just above the horizon between 11am and 2pm.

Strawberry's New Year's resolution, she called it her "New Year's revolution",
was not to do any washing up during 2009.

At least I'll be saving on the amount of washing up liquid that's used!


Lori Skoog said...

Happy New Year Nea and Family....How are you enjoying your new apartment? Hope all is well.

Crowbard said...

Most unexpected that you should have a revolting child Pooh!
"Washers of the world unite!... You have nothing to lose but your DRAINS!"
Mind you, if you go around giving birth to red babies you might guess they could grow up into Bolsheviks!

Darling Strawbwerry - I love your smile, your style, and your head-gear. Try licking all the plates clean, it is far more interesting and nutritious than washing up... although it may be considered a revolting habit by folks of a delicate & sensitive nature!

The Preacherman said...

Sounds like a good place for vampires..

Happy New Year babe x

Pat said...

I know I left a comment here - unless I really am barmy. I wondered if Strawberry would be allowed to keep her resolution.

Unknown said...

I thought there was a washing up machine - sorry- dishwasher in the new flat???? In which case Strawberry's new year revolution is unnecessary.
High Tech nomenclature :-
'Washing up machine'- has been!
'Dish washer' - much posher.

Love, Pa.

Nea said...

Yes, thanks Lori, we are enjoying the space, but we are still working on getting things in order. I still haven't got my computer up and running.

GUC, I'm afraid she does the licking thing if she thinks we're not looking. No encouragement needed there.

MSP, strangely enough the blood suckers only appear during the lighter summer months.

Pat, that's a tricky one. She has to help clear the table, but her older sister has taken it upon herself to be head washer upper. Strawberry's job is to put the clean laundry into the right cupboards, but she hasn't quite got the hang of it yet.

Yes Pa, the new place does have a dishwasher. We tested it once, but it takes hours and no doubt uses heaps of energy. So we decided to only use it on special occasions and Miss T has taken it upon herself to wash up manually.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do rather agree about washing up machines. By the time the worst has been rinsed off the crockery, the machine loaded and given it's little treat (ours has to have a sweet shaped soapy tablet inserted into an orifice supplied for the purpose- otherwise it sulks) then it runs through the selected programme, and, when opened, the bottoms of the cups have to be wiped, then the machine unloaded and the utensils put away. By the time all this has been done, it's probably just as quick to wash up. Actually, whenever Granny's away for a few days (babysitting usually) I usually revert to the washing up bowl to save time and effort. Warm regards, your reactionary Pa.