Sunday, November 23, 2008

Clearing cupboards

We're moving in a week's time, not far, and I've got the whole of December to do it, but there's still a lot of clearing out to do. I didn't get far with my wardrobe, the silly hats were immediately adopted and the clothes that I have grown out of Miss T has grown into and wants to keep.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hats and woolies

We've had to buy new thermal underwear for the girls; they're growing so fast. Miss T looks me straight in the eye at the moment. Any day soon, she'll be looking down on me.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Many Happy Returns

Happy 100th Birthday Gran!
My darling daughters made me this cake for my birthday last week and you're all welcome to a piece, especially Pat's TL who had a birthday yesterday. My daughters gave me a beautiful day, waking me up with a cup of tea in bed and a pile of presents: a pillow case in pale blue with little white ghosts on it, sewn by Miss. T, pictures of spiders and ghouls and even a lady vampire who moved her eyes from side to side, a skeleton that waggles arms and legs and a poem to treasure from Strawberry.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The cold sets in

The temperature has dropped to minus 15 C. and the stream is starting to freeze over, but still no snow.