Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun in the snow

We made it out to the cottage this weekend inspite of the ice and snow, as you might be able to see from the short video below.


Unknown said...

Thank you Strawberry and the cameraman. That was magic. I knew the old icehouse would come in useful sooner or later. Much love, Granny and Pa.

Nea said...

If we can just fix the door, it could still be used as a cold store for potatoes and veg, but until then it makes a good slide.

Unknown said...

And, if I remember, it is useful for archery target practice as a butts. Ithink that's the right word. Will look it up. Love, Pa.

Unknown said...

Yes, it is. Or at least the word butt is given as :- 'a mound for archery practice'. But where they survive in villages they are usually referred to in the plural as 'the butts'. Cheers, Pa.

Pat said...

super toboggan and I'm glad she missed the tree:)


Yeah I was worried about them trees 'n all....

Why haven't we got any snow over here then??? Bloody global thingy

Nea said...

From now on it shall be called "the butt".

Pat and 4D, up until this year I made them wear helmets, but they never hit the trees. I think it's because of the way the garden slopes down from there. Either that or they are both very good at steering snow matresses.