Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rain dears?


Unknown said...

Are all three photoes of the same reindeer? I think the reindeer (and the name gives the story) is the only domesticated deer, with one exception.

Pat said...

Aren't they magnificent? I wonder if they are shy like our red deer on Exmmoor?

Pat said...


Unknown said...

Dear Pat. When I was young (sorry -younger) They'd have made me write Exmoor a hundred times, not once.

Pat said...

Mike and Ann: one of the few joys of getting old(sorry older).

Nea said...

I think I shall just get odder, rather than older ;)

I think this might be the same deer, but there were several around, mike & Ann.

I had one pupil who managed to get within arms length of this deer, Pat, so they are not exactly shy, but I wouldn't call them quite tame. The same with the lemmings, they weren't shy, just everywhere, so we had to be careful where we stepped. One of the girls managed to catch one of the lemmings, but I wouldn't want to try it, their front teeth looked very sharp.

Crowbard said...

Dear Pooh,
It is much better to get odd than to waste time getting even!
And more fun for everyone else too. LuvGUC

Nea said...

Thank you GUC, I 'll carry on then :)