Sunday, July 04, 2010

Miss T.

Miss T has been poorly this week. Her temperature has been 39 C (102 F) for nearly a week. When she's is sick or in pain she becomes the politest person you could ever wish to meet, apologizing for not being able to eat or drink more, and thanking me for small things like puffing up her pillow. I knew she was on the road to recovery this morning when I thought I heard her say something rather rude to me as I tried to convince her to take a second egg. When I questioned her about it, she said "No, I didn't say that, I just thought it!"


Lori Skoog said...

A week is a long time to have a temperature...her body must have been trying to tell her something was going on in there! Hopefully the tide has turned. I love the photographs you posted Nea, especially the top one. She sure has grown up!

Ariana is here. 20 days, then off to Croatia with her sister and other grandparents. She just started her own journal called "It's All About Cookie." You can click on it from my links.

Hello to all of Sweden!

Casdok said...

Glad to hear Miss T is begining to feel better.
Love the photos :)

Pat said...

That has a familiar ring to it but I was always so relieved when they had lost the angelic persona and returned to their normal devilishness.
So glad Miss Garbo is better:)

Unknown said...

Hi Pat. You obviously know my granddaughter personally. I love the 'Miss Garbo'. It's her to a T.
Regards, Mike an Ann.

Nea said...

Thanks Lori! I have had a look att Ariana's blog, it's impressive.

Nea said...

Thank you, Casdok, I liked your photos too!

Yes, Pat, don't ever tell them, but I prefer it when they're testing me ;)

Miss T to a T, A&M? Perhaps, we do get the occasional "I want to be alone!" But her Swedish accent isn't so strong :)