Sunday, June 20, 2010

A sign of love...

...for the Swedish newly weds, made by two very wet and tired Scouts, who have survived bugs and slugs in their sleeping bags for the last three nights. With many thanks to Aunty M. for cleaning them up and letting them watch the historic event on her big screen.


Unknown said...

It took me about 30 seconds to work out who the 'newlyweds' are. But I think I've got it. Your Swedish Princess????? I'm sorry. I'm really not 'with it' regarding the news of the day.
Cheers, Pa.

Pat said...

Hooray I got it.
Sweet idea. I though the bride looked VERY happy.

Jake Allsop said...

Aw, what a lovely way to do a heart! Good to know everyone is happy in your part of the world.

Nea said...

I'm shocked Mike and Ann! I always thought you were very "with it"!

Well done, Pat! Yes, she glowed with happiness all day long and her Prince convinced us all of his devotion with the speech he gave in the evening: "storst av allt ar karlek" <3

Thanks Jake. We are all OK, but I haven't had a lot of time for my computer during the last few months.