Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sweet sculptures


Nea said...

It's the end of term and I have marking and grading to sort out, so please excuse me if I am a slow blogger.

Unknown said...

Aaaaaahhh! Sweet. But surely, knowing the house rules, this must have been taken on a Saturday ????? Love Pa and Granny.

Unknown said...

Sorry we were forgetting. Just worked it out. Santa Lucia's Day ???

Crowbard said...

What a delightful way to teach spatial relationships and colour harmonies! (Also how to get oodles of funding from the Arty-pharty galleries?) And the only way to complete the edible art form (after duChamp and his cracked glass) must be to nibble chunks off them!

Crowbard said...

P.S. Hi Tuva, I love your St John the Baptist (post Salome) impression.
And Strawberry, brilliant effort but they say you can't fit a quart into a pint pot! (nor your head into a tumbler.)

Pat said...

Much more appealing than mere smarties

Unknown said...

Hi Pi. Too many smartar..... , sorry smarties in this family already. Warm regards, Mike.

Nea said...

Quite right Ann & Mike, it was taken on a Saturday. For Lucia we have special buns with saffron in them and ginger biscuits, not that we celebrated in full force this year as both girls were off sick from school.
Not to worry, all back to normal now.

Crowbard, it was Tuva's brilliant idea, it was interesting to watch each sculpture change as the available building material slowly vanished.

Pat, usually they're allowed to choose 12 sweets every Saturday from the pick'n'mix. This time it was the remains of the hoards that they had gathered on Halloween.