I nearly took a photo of it, but even I am not that cold hearted. This morning on the way to school we ( Miss T, Strawbs and me) saw a decapitated squirrel. Its head was flat on the road surface and it was spilling a few guts, organs etc., we didn't investigate too closely, otherwise it was whole. But the saddest thing of all is that this dead squirrel lay on a zebra crossing. If only the driver had been as street wise as the squirrel.
One other weird trafficy thing that happened today, at least this is what I was told, but I am sure I didn't.
And yes, they were driving me nuts, but surely I can't be that bad yet? And I would have thought they could have shown a bit more gratitude towards me trying to save their skins from speeding bicyclists. Anyway, whilst walking along a busy street in charge of 25 fifteen year olds and 26 visiting foreign fifteen year olds, who all claim they heard me, I apparently yelled at them to "Get off the psychopath!"
I don't suppose this head would be any use to the squirrel? - Make it a bit top-heavy I suppose?
PS. In Leicester the cycle-paths are marked in green but out in the shire the psychopaths are marked in red which seems more apt somehow.
Fifty one 15 year olds attacking one poor defenseless psychopath ? Have today's youngsters no sense of sportmanship ? No wonder you bellowed "Get off the psychopath". I only hope they obeyed you. Some of these psychopaths can inflict a nasty bite when outnumbered. Much love, Pa.
Also that poor moo cow must have been going at qite a pace when it hit the outside of the butcher's shop. Love, Pa.
I like your student's style:)
Loads of style... has anybody ever turned all the saucers under your pot plants upside down and then watched as you water them last lesson on a Friday afternoon?
I trust you rubbed all their little noses in the resultant wet mess on the watery windowsills. That is what would have happened in the GOOD old days. Regards , your warpath pacing Pa.
P.s. Grudging admiration for their ingenuity - made Mama giggle when reading of it. But ingenuity should be replied to in kind. Love Pa.
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