Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Spring, Swedish style...

Which means we're still enjoying the snow!


Lori Skoog said...

You certainly have plenty of snow to enjoy!

ps - Sara made the mittens she was wearing.

Pat said...

Gorgeous photo. Looks like she is in Heaven.

Unknown said...

Is that your ice house under the snow that Nippa has just scaled?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes - we're enjoying a good winter this spring!

Lovely shot.

Unknown said...

Hello Nea. Thank you very much, oh good and dutiful daughter, for your assistance when I (or rather my screen) went blank.
Regards to all, Pa.

margareth said...

Nice little dog in the snow !

Nea said...

Thank you! Yes it's what you call the ice house, but really it's not insulated to keep ice from melting, but to keep vegetables from freezing, mainly potatoes