Thursday, July 05, 2012

Happy 26th Birthday Pa!


Lori Skoog said...

Happy Birthday Pa...would that be Mike? 26?

Strawberry said...

happy hchfnmf birthday!

Unknown said...

I always wondered how to spell Harrumphety-six, Freja. Know I now, or rather vice versa.

Hello Lori. Yes, that would be Mike. The age thing started when Nea was very young and was made official keeper of her father's age, which probably was twenty six then, and of course, has been ever since.

Pat said...

Oh dear - I thought he was in his forties:)

Nea said...

A good guess, Pat, but as the Queen has an official birthday so the Pa has an official age and it's 26 :)

I have overheard him saying that he has a big "O" birthday coming up, Lori, but it's not until September and I promised as " official age keeper" to reply, if asked, that he was 26, so it's 26 :)

My thoughts exactly Strawbs!

Pa, "ever since" has flown past!

Unknown said...

Full marks for diplomacy, Pat.

Crowbard said...

I had thought the Big 0 birthday would make him 27 this year, but it appears he is still 26... I'm so glad to be his YOUNGER brother!