Attempting a new view every week or so from Scandinavia
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Half term
Last week was half-term, holiday here. The girls got the whole week off, and I was able to work from home Thursday and Friday, so we went out to the cottage for a few days. It was great to be able to let the dog off her lead. She loved the freedom. The only problem is she moves so fast it's difficult getting shots of her. Miss T. got the dog to stand still for a second on this shot, then she was off again, flying over stones, snow and ice, while we slipped and skidded. I even lost a welly at one stage, it got stuck between stones under the snow.
The hole in the ants nest in the background of this picture was probably made by a bear. There weren't many blue berries this year, so hopefully the local bears have filled up on ants instead.
Nea...I think the girls want to be in show business. Great photos. The dog looks very happy! Nice that you had a little break.
Show Business Lori!!!! We've always been a respectable family.
Oh No We Haven't!(Slaps thigh as audience yells -'Oh yes we have!)
Well only when we were 'acting' respectability!!!!!
She seems to have settled into the ? respectable family happily. I love her alertness.
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