Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Experimental Day Out

Going down south to pick up a nice niece, we made the most of it by spending half a day at the National Museum of Art, my treat, and a whole day at Tom Tits Experiment, the girls treat, see pictures above. All very satisfying, thank you Granny! And thank you Pa for the gobstoppers, the long journey down was very quiet, even if their tongues and teeth turned black and yellow!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wild Strawberries!

She doesn't like spiders, but catching frogs is easy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer snaps

Just a couple of images of summer here in the north of Europe. I want to try and get some fishing done today, so I'm only dropping in for a quick look. Back soon with more.

While I'm gone, see if you can guess what this is?

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Miss T.

Miss T has been poorly this week. Her temperature has been 39 C (102 F) for nearly a week. When she's is sick or in pain she becomes the politest person you could ever wish to meet, apologizing for not being able to eat or drink more, and thanking me for small things like puffing up her pillow. I knew she was on the road to recovery this morning when I thought I heard her say something rather rude to me as I tried to convince her to take a second egg. When I questioned her about it, she said "No, I didn't say that, I just thought it!"