Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

This was taken on Saturday, when it was still warm and sunny, on our way home from a visit to the other side of the lake. Since then all it has done is rain. But the strawberries don't seem to mind.


Unknown said...

Neither of the Strawberries in your photo seem to mind the weather at all.

Lori Skoog said...

Perfect! What a beautiful lake, and I love those strawberries. We have had a lot of rain here too. Not enough dry days to get the hay in.

Unknown said...

P.s. Don't know which strawberry looks the better; the half eaten one or the half grown one.
Love, Pa.

Crowbard said...

Strawb with strawberry beaming bright
Dressed in clothes so weather-tight;
You really are a cheerful sight
and would you let me have a bite?

Pat said...

It must be very pleasant to live near a lake.

Nea said...

We don't mind the weather Ma n Pa, it's the mozzies that are a pain, and they are thriving in it.

It's the same here Lori, the farmers are having problems getting in the hay, and it's been too wet for the potatoes.

The one half grown has most flavour, honest, I've tried both ;)

She might GUC, she is a very caring, sharing person, but she'd probably hand over the whole berry rather than give you a bite, she's got a thing about sharing food and drink: the only one in the family who won't drink from the same glass, bite from the same apple etc.

It is Pat, it's Sweden's fifth biggest lake and it keeps the temperature warmer in winter and always gives us a breeze which keeps the mozzies away.